Getting Pregnant

The first trimester of pregnancy is a time filled with excitement and celebration. But it can also be a period of difficult changes, both physical and emotional. From morning sickness to mood swings, the first trimester is unlike any other, and we at Pregnancy Stories want to hear about it! Keep us informed about your first pregnancy experiences, especially those pregnancy symptoms, fetal development, and, of course, your baby's first ultrasound! We can't wait to hear from you!

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Is it just my age?

Hey I'm 19 and from England (anyone else?)

My boyfriend and I are very much in love with each other and would love for me to become pregnant even though we're both aware that it's not the BEST of ideas (I'm going into the second year of university and he doesn’t have a job yet). We have never used protection with each other but we have had a few problems - I had a couple of irregular periods so I went back on the pill to try and sort them out and I have now come off it again so I am aware that that could be affecting my fertility. He also smoked a lot of cannabis for about 4 years. I have cut out alcohol and stuff from my diet.

Basically I'm young, I'm healthy, my periods have generally been regular so I’m wondering if it’s just pure luck I'm not getting pregnant.

I also may or may not have had Chlamydia from a previous boyfriend.



Wanting to have a baby

Hey my name is Jessica. I'm 15 years old and I have been with my boyfriend for 2 months. I love him with all of my heart. I'm ready to have a baby but scared at the same time.

My boyfriend (Miguel) came up to me and told me that he wanted to start a family with me. I asked him why and he said because he loves me. He then told me that he got another girl pregnant where he used to live at but she killed the baby. He told me that he was not ready to have a baby with her or then but he says that he has never loved anyone as much as he has loved me. I told him I was ready also but didn't know how I would tell my mama.

Well, a couple of weeks ago Miguel told me that he had to move back to New Jersey unless he had a baby with me. Well we decided I would go to his house and conceive the baby there. Well as soon as we get there his aunt comes home. So there was no baby. He then told me he was moving to Jacksonville with his cousin and still going to come to school where I was. Thank God!

I'm so scared that if he gets into trouble again that he might have to moved to New Jersey with his mama and I want never see him again. I love Miguel with all of my heart and I think I might be ready to have a baby with him. This weekend I'm going to his house and I'm ready to start a family with the guy that I love with all of my heart.

Jessica Medina


Wanting a Baby or Not?

Well yes I admit I'm a very young high school student with a passion to become a mommy. I’m Ashley and I’m 14 years old. I’m a Freshmen in high school and I’m almost done with it.

I have a Boyfriend who is 18 years old and we are in "Love" I guess you can say. He has been in trouble with the law more than a few times. But he cares for me. We have talked - well I have talked - about having a baby with him. He really wants my kids, and I really want his.

Although he has a baby whom is almost a year old with another girl, and which he takes care of sometimes, but tries to tell people that the baby isn’t his cause he says its for the best. I still want a baby way bad.

Thank you for reading my story



I'm so confused

This is a long story… hope ya'll don't mind.

My boyfriend & I have been together since the 8th grade & we're now seniors in high school. I was on the pill since I was 14 & then went off of it in September of '06. I now haven't had a period since September. It's been 8 months & it’s obvious I'm not 8 months pregnant.

But also, before I was on the pill, my periods weren't always regular. I've had countless pregnancy tests & they've always turned out negative. So I'm really hoping there's not something wrong with me now. Although my boyfriend doesn't really want us to be pregnant because of college & all, I do and I know he'd be a great father as to how he plays with my nieces & nephews.

I took a pregnancy test earlier this week & it too, came back negative. I've had some symptoms of pregnancy though. I feel bloated all the time, my heads been hurting, and I'm always tired. I really want to take another pregnancy test but am too scared it will be negative again.

I've read so many stories on here though, of girls that were pregnant even though their HPTs were all negative. I hope that's what happens with me.

I have a doctor's appt. in a week & a half & I hope I find out I'm pregnant & not that something’s wrong with me...



my new life

When I found out I was pregnant the only person in the world who was excited was my boyfriend.

My mum came round to the idea, but every one thinks I am going to fail. I have found out I am having a boy and he is due on the 22nd September! Can’t wait! x


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