Single Moms

It's not easy being a single mom. As a single parent, you have to take on double the parenting duty. Other issues can make this even more complex. For example, some young moms write about what to do if my boyfriend is an alcoholic. Please share your experience and wisdom. As you will see, these problems require a great support system, time management skills and top-notch parenting techniques. If you have tips to share with other single moms or just want to help other single mothers and single parents out there, then tell us your story.

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When my life changed

My name is Christi and i am 17 and i just found out that i am 7 weeks pregnant...My boy friend Chris new i was pregnant before i even knew. He said that he has had morning sickness...(which i think is so cute) He got into some trouble and was sent to juvy.. now i am all alone to deal with all this... i keep thinking that i dont know what to do but i do i need to be a woman and face the fact that i am going to be a mother. and i need to chill out and start acting like one.... I also keep thinking that my life is over...every one tells me that i can always pick up were i left off but it wont be the same....but i will be wiser... my boyfriend chris is so happy about the baby every time i see him he is always talking to my belly and kissing it...I mean i love it o boy do i but i dont want him to feel oblagated to stay with me just because im pregnant with his child...i can do this on my own...or at least i hope i can.. i just dont want him to feel like he is tied down....cause then he might just run away.. my mom tells me every day that she is so proud of me... cause this would be her second grand child.... no not by me this would be my first...i just hope im doing the right thing by keeping the baby....

I just hope im doing every thing right....My boyfriend says that after the baby is born that he wants to marry me but is that the right thing i mean i dont want to get married just because we have a baby i want to get married because we are in love. cause if we get married just for the baby then were will be 10 years down the road fussing and fighting making the babys life a living hell i dont want that for my child... i want my child to have the best life that i can give him or her......Every one says that i am glowing...i dont see it.....but maybe i am... who know.....


Dazed and Confused

I am 22 and after meeting a guy who i thought was the greatest guy ever, i became pregnant. We only knew each other a month before I got pregnant. I am going through a great deal of emotional changes and when he left to go out of town things hit the fan.

He came back and me and him got into physical fight. He had me arrested at 5 months pregnant and pressed charges. He now thinks i am the craziest person on earth and i need help to deal with my anger. I really dont think he understands the changes you go through when your pregnant. As of now he wants nothing to do with me and if i dont call him, he will not call me.

I have come to the conclusion that i can do this alone. If he doesn' want to work things out fine. In January I will have the greatest gift of all.



I'm not sending you a sympathy, but I do know that you are a great mother! It is hard, life itself is hard, but don't get down on yourself! Your baby's father will eventually come to his senses, and if he doesn't it'll be his loss. Just be all that you can be for your children! Don't give up on them girl....


showing my appreciation

I'm not a pregnant mother, and neither do i plan on having children anytime soon. I do know that it is hard. I'm sixteen years old, and i watched my mother take care of four children on her own. My sister is twenty-nine, and she's both mommy and daddy to five beautiful kids. I do just want to say that i take my hats off to all of you who decided to keep your babies, because you could've easily taken the easy road out! I want to thank y'all for being such corageous parents, and just keep doing what you're doing, i know it may get tough at times-but don't give up. Your children will thank you in the end!...God Bless!!!


moving on

I am currently 5 months pregnant with my first child. I was with the babys father for 5 months. I was on the pill and we used condoms most of the time. I broke up with him 2 months before I found out I was pregnant. I took a test and it was postive and then went to the doctors and found out I was 12 weeks pregnant. At first he said he wanted nothing to do with the baby (he had moved back in with his ex 2 weeks after we broke up, they have a 1 and a half year old together). Then he emailed me about 2 weeks later to say he wanted to be a part of his childs life. He still does not contact me, since that email. And I know now that I am better off without him. I have much more important things to worry about then waiting around for him. I am blessed to have a family that is loving and supportive. This baby will have nothing but unconditional love from all of us. Unfortunately his father is missing out on something truly wonderful.


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