First Trimester

Trying to get pregnant is an exciting time in a woman's life, but it isn't always easy. From counting menstrual cycles to buying countless pregnancy tests, getting pregnant is often an experience in and of itself. We want to hear about all of your experiences, from your first pregnancy test right up to your first pregnancy symptoms. And feel free to share your conception secrets with other hopeful couples!

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pregnant and scared after a miscarriage

I recently had a miscarriage (about 6 weeks ago).

Last week I found out that I am pregnant again. While I am not stressed out, I am nervous, emotional, and dare I say even depressed at the thought of possibly having another miscarriage. I find myself frequently crying.

I am also scared as I am in my mid 30s and know that my age is a factor. I've felt quesy on and off for the past 5 days. During the intervals in which the queasiness subsides, I get more nervous. I don't want to lose another baby. I am finding it hard to function at work, for this is all I think about.



Well I just found out that we are prego.

I have a 7year old son and a 5 Year old Daughter. I am worried like crazy because I have had two miscarriages in the last 2 years and they were both horrible. I am not telling my family other than my mother that I am with child because of the past.

I want so bad to get excited and tell everyone but there is always that nagging thought in the back of my mind wondering if it will happen again. My doctor is taking my blood wok every week and a half to make sure my hormones are increasing. If I can get past the 8-10 week point I will be happy to tell everyone I know!

How do you get past the worry part of it and enjoy the changes my body is going through??!!!


What a Shock!

I just found out that I am 9wks. What a shock, this pregnancy was not planned at all, we currently have a 14yr old and 3 yrs old and now a new one on the way. Honestly I can say it was hard for me and my husband at first. I felt like I was getting my body back working-out everyday back in school and to me everything was just fine.....

And one day we had slip up. Yep I remember that day....Life is blessing from God and we have now just really accepted it and understand what we need to do. With this Pregnancy I feel so tired very tired I actually fall to sleep at work, daily. All I want to do is sleep. I am very constipated and snacking on prunes dried plums :) yum yum LOL

I don't have as much morning sickness as I did with the last one so that is plus..... I am already trying watch what I eat, trust me ladies it is hard getting it off afterwards so just be mindful of what you eat. Try to at work out walk 20min a day with your doctor permission it will help in the long run.

After the 2nd pregnancy my motto is not to say I am eating for 2 because you are not. I gained so much weight, that it was hard for me, but I found my old self back again and I now I won't go back through that again...Eat smart and right, that is the best-thing you can do...I know it is hard because those cravings, but I come to find out that they pass and later you realize that you didn't even want that, you wanted something else.

Well I really enjoyed reading the other articles. It is good to know that I am not the only woman pregnant and constipated... LOL


god sent me a child

My name is Mary, and I'm 8 1/2 weeks pregnant :) i had a miscarriage in september of 2007, and it really discouraged me and my fiance at first. Now we couldn't be happier. Three weeks ago we found out that i'm pregnant again and everything seems to be going perfect!

I've been pretty naseated, but only very early in the mornings. I crave only fruits and juices, which is great for me! last week we went to the doctor and saw our baby's heartbeat for the first time :) our last pregnancy never got that far so we were absolutely ecstatic!! We're really waiting to tell our close family members and friends until after our first trimester so we know we're almost in the clear of another miscarry.

We thank God so much for giving us another opportunity to have a beautiful child together. If it's a boy (which we're hoping it is) his name will be Donnovan Gary. If it's a girl her name will be Mercedes Nevaeh. we're so very excited.

It's amazing what god can do!

Mary Lou

"Morning Sickness" Yeah Right!!!!!!!

I am sick all, ALL of the time. I rarely get out of bed. My bedroom is where I live and we have a huge house (that is undergoing renovation and practically uninhabitable) I say undergoing renovation although that has come to a halt due to the fact that my husband and I just opened up a Vegan cafe and all of our money is there so the house is on hold.

It was like an episode of the honeymooners or something. We had opened the cafe (I am the cook) and we were on our third week of running it when my husband calls me from work and says I am coming by the store. I think he is on his way to check on me but he is not wearing his scrubs. I say whats going on he says I got laid off. Now we had been trying for our second baby (our first is 5 and 1/2) for over two years.

3 days after he gets laid off, we are in capoeria (martial arts) class and I feel weird. I tell him I am pregnant because I had been eating like a horse for the past week (just like with my first one) and now I am nauseous. So that night we by a test I take it the following morning and voila! Now I am sick as a DOG and can't stand the smell of my own cafe! I seriously can't even drive past with the window down.

We thought about shutting down since I am the cook but we decided against it when a sort of friend of mine from Brooklyn was having a hard time and needed a place to stay. She came to stay with us in exchange for cooking at the cafe. So I am here at the house while my husband and this woman are running the cafe. So I am miserable and sick all the time can't eat and when I do I pay for it.

I am sometimes jealous of the time that this woman is spending with my husband and really get annoyed if they are not back within an hour after the store closes. I also get enraged at him for other small things too. Everything stinks literally! My house is a mess I can't go to my own shop, it is winter and my poor son has cabin fever and is sick, I'm sure, of being stuck up in here with his broke down mommy.

Ces't la vie what are you gonna do.

Africka Kenyatta

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