
Even though infertility affects at least 10% of the population, most couples feel as though they are the only ones struggling through it. Help give some reassurance to those encountering fertility problems by talking about your experience. Did you turn to in vitro fertilization or some other form of infertility treatment? Were alternative or natural fertility treatments useful for you? We want to hear your encouraging anecdotes about infertility and fertility treatments.

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I'm a 37-year-old married woman in South Carolina who would like to have a child soon. I’ve been married for 13 years to a wonderful man. We have been tiring for some time. I have some thyroid problems at one point where I was hyper and now I am hypo. I was told that could be the problem, I'm unsure at this time.


cuarto intento fiv

he realizado mi cuarto fiv con resultado negativo. el primer intento fue bueno pero termino en aborto espontaneo ya que me descubrieron trombofilia. a partir de ahi y hasta el cuarto fiv realizaron transferencias de hasta cuatro embriones. usando la medicacion indicada para trombofilia: enoxaparina ya que la trombofilia no permite la anidacion del embrion en el endometrio. lamentablemente no pudo ser. quisiera saber si alguien paso por el cuarto intento y luego lo logro. no se si seguir probando. siento que se me termina la vida al no poder lograr ser mama.

paula solaro


I have scheduled my HSG for this Friday...CAN'T WAIT. I am insisting that my physician sit & take a meeting with myself & my husband about my previous post. Wish me luck. I'm hoping that she'll be receptive, I mean, what has she got to lose...nothing else has worked!? Either we prove her theory, it is a fetal issue, or we prove my theory, it is an ovarian issue!?
I figure if this doesn't work we may go it alone for a while the old fashion way. I've been looking at several herbals & we figure what have we got to lose...RIGHT!?

Take care & hang in there!


Tears of Joy and Sorrow

I am a 30yr Female. I have been living with Chronic Endometriosis since I was twelve. I have had at least 13 procedures for this but probably much more than that. I was told that I probably would never have children and spent many years depressed.

I was pregnant for the first time in 1998 and felt such joy I thought I would burst, but then I lost the baby after having heard its heart beat and saw it via ultrasound. I got pregnant twice after this both resulting in miscarriages and then finally I got pregnant with my now 7 1/2 year old daughter. She is truly the light of my life. I have probably one of the worst stages of Endometriosis a female can have and along with it I also have cyst that grow, which are very deadly.

I am grateful for my daughter but I am still suffering through the endometriosis and I am still having surgery. My last operation was a major one and very tough because both my tubes were taken and I feel sort of stupid because I did not seem to understand what this truly meant for me. I was told that pregnancy after this was only possible through IVF but then informed I could still have a period (how is that possible) and so of course I started to have other questions like if I could become pregnant with out my fallopian tubes, which is what was taken a few months ago.

I have lived for the past ten years on Luperon Depot it is the only thing that is making me survive (I do come off for a few months at a time but things get so bad I go right back). I am now getting ready for my next shot and would like to know if it makes sense to wait the year it takes for my period to come to see if pregnancy is a possibility or am I hoping for a lost cause? I am so desperate for one more child and while I would not mind adoption I would like one more of my body....

Years of Hurt


yo me someti al tratamiento de ivf hace casi como un mes y medio y el dia 8 de agosto me tranfirieron los embriones y creo que estoy muy deseperada en saber que ha pasado tengo cita con mi dr el proximo jeves aveces quiero calmar mis ansias pero es un poco imposible y me la he pasado buscando informacion en la computadora algunas veces creo que no es bueno


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