Pregnancy Loss

Dealing with a miscarriage can be devastating. While many may pass off a miscarriage as a pregnancy that "just wasn't meant to be", these words rarely help to relieve your grief. Although a miscarriage can be an isolating experience, it doesn't have to be. Women who are or who have previously dealt with a miscarriage are often a great resource to those currently suffering from a pregnancy loss. Share your words with us and share your support with other women.

It is best to avoid using stimulants during pregnancy. Amphetamines and dextroamphetamines are powerful drugs and when taken during pregnancy, they can cause miscarriage, early labor or birth defects. You may want to ask other women if they have had personal experience with this.

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My husband and I have wanted a baby since the day we go married three and a half years ago. It just never seemed to be the right time. Then in June I went off all forms of birth control and we left it up to fate. On July 15, 2006 my husband and I found out and we were over joyed. As this was our first, we couldn't keep our mouths shut and told almost everyone we knew.

Then on July 31, I noticed a small amount of dark brown blood on my underwear. I am a nurse so I tried to reason it out.. to tell myself that some women have spotting durring early pregnancy. even still I put myself to bed for the rest of the day. Then at midnight, the pain became excrutiating and my husband instited on taking me to the hospital.

The pain only got worse and then so did the bleeding, it was still dark, dark brown. The doctor did my internal exam and informed us that my cervix was closed, then told me that I would get an ultrasound in the morning.

That morning I went for my very first ultrasound, I was seven weeks, and I was informed by the technician that I had been carrying twins but on of the babies did not have "fetal flash" which meant that they were not viable. However I did see the other babies heart beating and I was happy and sad at the same time.

When I got back to my room the doctors told me that because the first baby had died that I was at a very high risk of miscarrying the second, "threatend miscarriage" they called it. For the first time I let myself think that I was not going to leave the hopistal pregnant. I was devestated. They still kept me because of the pain.

The next morning, the pain grew worse, and then I started to pass bright red blood and large clots. I went for a second ultrasound, this time my husband was there, and we knew right away. The doctor looked at me and said "The tiny heart has stopped beating" he hadn't even finnished talking and I was sobbing.

I went for a D&C that night, I wanted the pain to be gone and to be able to start the grieving process.

I am not copping very well, it has been nearly three weeks and I cannot seem to get past this. Everyone around me keeps saying "at least it was early..." or "it was in god's plan..." or "It is nature's way" and I know they mean well but it only adds to the hurt.

i don't know if I will ever be able to move on. I look at my three nieces, all under six, and I cry. I see a friends baby and I cannot hold it anymore. I feel so empty, I feel so alone.

I am a religous woman, and I know that my babies are with god. I know that they are our little angels there to watch over us... but that does not make the hurt go away. I loved them so much, even though I only had them for a short while, so did my husband. We would say goodnight to the baby, and my husband called it baby bear and talked to my belly. We told that baby we loved it every day.

God bless all who go through this terrible tragedy!


2 Miscarriages

My husband and I were pleasantly surprised when we found out I was pregnant with our third child last Christmas. My joy over the news quickly vanished as my women's intuition took over.

Something did not feel right. I just had this bad feeling. I was very sick and lost a lot (over 15 pounds) of weight. I had some sickness with the first two pregnancies as well, but this just didn't feel right. We made it to 11 weeks and decided after my first OB appt and U/S that it was safe to tell our family and friends our exciting news.

I got home right away and shared a joyous email describing how active the baby had been during the ultrasound. Two weeks later, I woke up, went to the bathroom and found blood in my urine. I have had chronic kidney problems in the past and the blood was not coming vaginally, so I didn't even think miscarriage. I thought maybe I was having another kidney stone. We went to my OB and the ultrasound revealed that the baby had died and stopped developing.

I was at that point 13 weeks along and could not stand the thought of passing the lost pregnancy on my own, so I had a D&C. That was an awful experience, I lost three times the normal amount of blood and was severly anemic for three weeks and suffered from migraines all the while.

It was an awful experience and I never thought I would be able to try again after that- at least not for a good year. My 6 month check-up rolled around and after talking with my OB I began to feel more excited about the thought of trying to have another baby... a month later we were pregnant.

This time I was 7 weeks along when the cramping and spotting started. I called my OB right away and he had me come in for an U/S to check for the baby's heart beat. To our disbelief, the baby had not developed past 5w5D. Now it was my turn to play the waiting game, as this time I would miscarry naturally.

A week later, I have now started the cramping and heavy bleeding...

The first time this happened to us we were sad, now we are sad and frustrated. Why did this happen again? I am in shock. The first time around you are sad and think what bad luck, this time I start to wonder, what is wrong with me, what if I can never sustain a pregnancy again? I have been walking around numb, not really here. I am just so sad and lonely. I feel like I cannot tell anyone how sad I feel because everyone says, "miscarriage is so common, it just happens, it happened for a reason, it's better this way than something wrong with the baby." I know all that. It does not help me or make me feel any better. I now am grieving for the loss of my two babies... and I hope our two angels in heaven know how loved they were even though we never got to meet them. And I am left wondering if I will ever have the courage to try again. I never before realized how completely vulnerable you are during pregnancy.

I will never take another moment with my children, husband, or family for granted again. Life is too precious.


feeling so empty

my partner and I (his 25 and im 19) both have a life plan that didnt involve babies until another 3 years time- about a 1 month ago I misscarried with our first child , I had no signs that i was even pregnant until i ended up in emergency and being told they couldn't do anything to save the baby.. It has been so hard since then as i feel as if i failed my partner and the baby that was.Since that day i have had numbers and numbers of test and I was told a week ago that i will not be able to carry children of my own.I feel as if a peice of me is missing and im damaged.

My partner and I want children and its so hard not to feel empty - thankyou for letting me vent what i keep bottled



Roller Coaster

I have experienced two miscarriages this year. With the first one my husband and i were devasted and were unprepared for the whole situation. We were positive about trying again and put it down to bad luck. To have it happen again feels too much to bare. It is 7 weeks now and i still feel incredibly sad. I am keen to try again just to find out why this is happening, i know that am lucky in many many ways. However it is hard for the desire to have a baby to not take over your entire life.

Good luck to all of you going through pregnancy problems, everyone says be positive its true but hard when you are feeling low and dealing with uncertaintly. x


5 years of pain for 7 days of pure joy

I had always wanted to be a mommy. Ever since I can remember I have dreamed about it. We started trying to conceive our first baby during January 2001 - I was 24 and had been married for just over a year. Even though my hubby was scared and nervous about the idea of having a baby, we both decided that we would just stop preventing and leave it up to God. If it happened it happened.

For the first 2 years I plodded along forever expecting that I could get pregnant at any minute, forever feeling nervous to start a new job, or move house, or book a holiday, in case I got pregnant. We eventually sought help during the 3rd year TTC and after going through every treatment short of IVF still couldn't get pregnant. Diagnosis - Unexplained Infertility. We moved countries, and in the 5th year eventually decided to persue IVF. I booked my 1st appointment for 25 January 2006 and was so excited about it.

To our enormous surprise, my period didn't arrive on 7th January and it was usually like clockwork. I decided to take the dreaded pregnancy test. I hate these tests with a passion, because they represent such a huge disappointment for me.

Until that day I had never ever seen that elusive 2nd line. Until that day. I almost passed out when I saw an extremely faint 2nd line on the test exactly at the 5 minute mark. We were overjoyed!! I cried with happiness and relief - it felt as if a MASSIVE weight had finally been lifted from my shoulders.

I remember lying there on my bed that night with my hand on my tummy imagining my precious tiny baby growing inside me. I just couldn't believe that it might be possible that we had actually gotten it right. Confirmed by a blood test the following day, the doctor had said that Yes, I was indeed pregnant but my numbers were on the low side. They were 98 on 15DPO, which I didn't think was that bad.

We told everyone we knew and they were ecstatic for us. This was such a miracle for us that we just couldn't keep it to ourselves. A few days later, I noticed some brownish spotting and cried my eyes out with worry, only to be told that it was normal and old blood. It seemed to go away over the next two days.

I woke up the following Saturday, 1 week after finding out, to the sight of red blood. Panicking, we rushed to the GP. She sent us to the A&E for a scan. All the while the bleeding was getting heavier. I knew in my heart that it was over and that we had lost our baby. Finally we got the scan. The nurse looked for 15 minutes before finding a tiny sac which measured 4 weeks and 5 days. My heart breaks when I think of my darling hubby who was so excited to see the sac, "There it is!!" he shouted! But I knew I was supposed to be 5 weeks and 1 day along.

We went back to the room to wait for our HcG blood results. Steve asked me what it should be. I guessed about 2000 or so to be in with a chance. I was totally unprepared for that moment when the doctor came in and told me the count was only 18. 18!!! I sobbed my heart out and couldn't even listen to what he was saying. "It's probably for the best... " BULL$h1T! Up until that moment my poor Steven had still believed everything would turn out okay. The doctor pretty much ran out of the room "to let us come to terms with it"...?

After paying the bill, we went out to the car and in the parking lot, Steve just burst out crying. We held each other there crying, while people just stared at us.

I will have the scan of our little baby (even though it was too small to see) as well as the 5 pregnancy tests I took. Sometimes it doesn't feel real, but when I look at those I know our baby really was here. Even today, 8 months down the line, I am still not over it. I will never be over it. My little one would have been due in just over 3 weeks and I'm taking it so hard. Even today I took another pg test which showed that all too familiar single line. I haven't stopped crying all day - maybe its specifically hard this time because I know I wont be pregnant again before the due date of my precious first baby. It took us 5 years to conceive that baby and Im so scared that it'll never happen again. I feel like giving up, I don't know if I have the emotional strength to go through all this time and time again never knowing if we will ever succeed. But when I look at someone else's beautiful baby, I know I can't give up.

People might think that 5 weeks is too early to care about a baby or grow to love it, but we already loved that little soul more than anything. It proved to both of us just how much we want to be parents, especially Steve. It was the best, happiest week of our lives knowing that our 1st child was on its way to us and even though my miscarriage is the most painful thing I have ever gone through, I would not give up the short time I had with my child.

My little one will be in my heart forever, I am already a mommy.


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